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the lotus flower reiki


Reiki was developed in Japan by Mikao Usui in the early 1900's and further developed by Chujiro Hayashi and believed to be the last reiki Masters trained by Mikao.  Reiki was eventually brought t the west by Hawayo Takata who initiated twenty two reiki masters.


The twenty two masters have cascaded the amazing benefits of reiki, allowing its energy to become a part of our western holistic culture.


The essence of reiki is to channel the universal white light energy, also know as Chi or prana to the chakra system allowing the body to

adjust to its own healing pattern.


For a reiki treatment you remain fully clothed and made to feel warm and comfortable, treatments can take place lying down or sitting in a chair.  Placing my hands, with a light touch on or near your body, including the head, torso, knees and feet.  The format of the treatment can vary from person to person, sometimes using  set hand positions or working instinctively.  


The basis of a reiki treatment is to release, replenish and rejuvenate the chakra system.  Over time blockages can occur within the chakra system leading to us feeling out of sorts.  In eastern medicine it believed that if your chakra system is vitalised and in good working order you will experience good health.

Reiki Treatment
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